The Services of the Month for December 2021 is Ashglen, Congratulations!

Ashglen has received this award for going up and beyond their duties as ACW’s and supporting a service user with a personal issue.


Cathy Meacham

Head of Commercial

Cathy is responsible for overseeing the residential, supported living and new business operations and managing resource across the three divisions She is highly qualified with several care-related qualifications and a BA in Applied Social and Community Studies Cathy joined Allied Care in 1997 and has over 35 years of care experience. She has been managing the care division since 2001, and has helped the business grow from just three residential homes to 35 homes and 295 supported living placements Prior to joining Allied Care, Cathy spent time as a Homes Inspector, a Peripatetic Residential Worker and a Paediatric Nurse